Sporting Success
Children from Years 5 and 6 started the year off with a fantastic result at the Quicksticks festival at Paignton Community And Sports Academy. They entered four teams against other schools and came first! Brilliant result – can the school do as well as or better than last year where they achieved success in over 20 competitions covering a wide range of sports.
Next, it was the turn of the County Futsal competition for a team of year 5/6 children. They did exceptionally well to get through to the final where they beat Wynstream school in extra time. Well done!!!
During December, children from years 3 – 6 took part in athletics festivals at PCSA with great success. The year 3/4 team won the Paignton schools festival and the team made up of year 5/6 children won the Paignton schools festival and then went on to win the Torbay schools competition.