Parentpay – Change To Online Payments
As previously notified in newsletters, the school will no longer be using SimnsAgora for online payments. It will in the future use Parentpay which will bring the school inline with the other two schools in the trust. Please read the letter below for more...
Children In Need November 18th 2016
Curledge Street became spotty for the day on Friday to raise money for Children in Need. There were some fantastic costumes and everyone enjoyed the day. Jellyfish class put the children in charge for Children in Need! They practised their times tables and even gave...
Our 2 Year Old Provision
Last term we opened our new 2 year old provision within the nursery and the children have been busy investigating what the environment has to offer. With a range of activities and lots of fun shared by all, the children and teachers have developed a fun...
Green Day
The Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust Health Visiting & School Nursing Service has updated its web pages so all information that was previously distributed using traditional paper based formats can now be viewed online. This enables our families...
Sporting Success
Children from Years 5 and 6 started the year off with a fantastic result at the Quicksticks festival at Paignton Community And Sports Academy. They entered four teams against other schools and came first! Brilliant result - can the school do as well as or better...
Useful Links
01803 557726
01803 664857
Curledge Street Academy
Phone: 01803 557726
Fax: 01803 664857